Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Emergency Food Storage tips - 10 foods

How to stock a preppers pantry foods. How to setup 30 days of emergency food storage - what foods to stockpile for emergencies prepping for hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, fires, floods, earthquakes, civil unrest using holidays to build prepper stockpile. Everyone needs a food stockpile it's something that's always been a part of the human nature. Rice and beans are a great way to begin one serving of rice is one-quarter cup when it's dry rice expands when you prepare it so one quarter cup of raw rice becomes one half cup of cooked rice there are approximately 11 servings of rice per pound so 30 pounds of rice would give you about 330 servings of rice if you look at how many servings are in 30 pounds of beans you break it down into 12 servings per 1 pound so if you look at one pound is 12 servings 30 pounds is 360 servings of beans make sure you have plenty of bottled water and sports drinks one box of oatmeal equals 30 servings cans of meat cans of fruit cans of vegetables pasta jars of sauce cans of ready-to-eat food like chili soup tamales things you know your family will eat make sure you're getting something get food for a few days enough food for a week a month and longer if there is a problem in our society it could go on for a prolonged period of time in Venezuela the refugee crisis in Europe these are problems where people do not have the basic supplies and it is continuing on for some amount of time stockpile food today figure out what you use how much food you eat in your home for a week or two and provide those food items extra in your family pantry so you will always have enough food to eat you'll always be okay no matter what comes your way.

survival food

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